
The ear­lier achieve­ments that de­fine me are pre­domi­nantly de­scribed in my CV on LinkedIn. My com­bina­tion of work in prac­ti­cal pro­jects and rigid theo­retical stud­ies has given a re­spect­able amount of ex­pertise within inno­va­tion.

In the past, I have been en­gaged in Excitera an en­tre­pre­neurial soci­ety based at KTH, as a board mem­ber and project man­ager. I al­ways try to take the chance to make an im­pact to the bet­ter, be it in prod­uct de­vel­op­ment or while coach­ing young ten­nis play­ers.


Presently I work to find op­portu­ni­ties where my skills, creativ­ity and pas­sion for user and reality fo­cused inno­va­tion can be well uti­lized.

I keep my­self busy, and hope­fully gain­ing valu­able experi­ence and knowledge, by tak­ing the op­por­tunity of devel­oping my own pro­ject, Aphorise Design. Aphorise Design is a propri­etor­ship, I started during the later years of my stud­ies, where I done some efforts in con­struc­tion, tech­nical draw­ing con­struc­tion, web devel­op­ment and sales.

On a lighter note, when not thinking prod­uct de­velop­ment and in­nova­tion I keep myself busy play­ing badmin­ton and, when I get the chance, free climb­ing at one of Stockholm's climb­ing gyms.